Blog Archive

Monday, April 4, 2011

What Goes Around Comes Around

The first post I did was that nobody should be scared while they're in the shower and a couple posts ago, I updated my readers that Cole still does this to me a couple times a week. Last night, I had the perfect opportunity to get payback and of course I jumped on it. He was in the shower getting his clean on and I sneaked in and ripped the curtains back fast (and loud because the curtain rings are big metal circles that scrape the rod and clang against themselves). I actually got a surprised scream out of him too, which is much better than my reflexive action of punching (I was prepared for it though). He admitted that I got him good and is now hellbent on revenge? I thought that my scaring him made us even, but apparently not. I'm showering when he's not home and sleeping with one eye open. I'll keep you updated on what happens.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Accept that You Won't Know or Understand Everything

I've always been a curious person, especially when it comes to people. I love that the human mind is so complex and that it's responsible for how and why people act and react to things the way that they do. Most people aren't like me and don't find this interesting, but I continue. Sometimes I don't understand why Cole does some of the things he does. A quick example, he tends to leave dishes (mostly only cups and glasses) on the edge of the counter instead of putting them in the sink. It's a definite quirk that I've never really gotten to the bottom of or found a way to fix. But you know what? It's OK. Some things don't have an explanation and that's alright. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Showers May Get Broken

No, it's not what you're thinking, perv. Yesterday, I got into the shower and cranked the handle to the hot side in an effort to get warmer water (as I'd done many times before without a problem). This time was apparently too hard and the handle that used to move from about a 0 to 90 degree angle now moves 360. I was able to finish my shower and I turned the water off. Just out of curiosity, I turned it back on...and then it wouldn't turn off. Just my luck. The sweetest repairman came out to fix it today and although he couldn't get it back to normal, it is turning on and off and is definitely better than it was last night. The part's been ordered and it's in working condition. I'll keep you updated if we (alright, I) break it again.

PS. I'm now paranoid to shower when Cole's home because he's still been poking his head in on me. I've warned him countless times and blew up at him yesterday so there's hope that he may finally stop. If he doesn't, I can't say I'll feel bad when he gets punched again.

Friday, April 1, 2011

If They Love You, You'll Know

Cher (and the people that sang it before her) said that "it's in his kiss," and it very well may be, but I say his behavior is the best indicator. Today, my fantastic, but stiff husband finally acquiesced (I've been dying to use that word; it means to give in) to my desires and went with me to Zumba class! For those that don't know, it's Latin-Spanish dance moves and aerobics done to fast-paced reggaeton, hip-hop, pop, or traditional Spanish music. Why is this amazing?

1. You know that guy that just does what he wants on the dance floor? That's my husband. Cole's only about freestyle dancing. He moves to the beat of his own drum and isn't the best at following steps.
2. His type of music is along the lines of 70's hippy music, 80's hair bands, 90's rock, and alternative rock. For example, the bands he tends to listen to are Led Zeppelin, Poison, The Who, Rush, Creed, Three Doors Down, Hootie & the Blowfish, etc.
3. He was the only guy in this particular class and he still stayed.

I'd been asking him to go for weeks and finally convinced him (after saying he didn't have to watch Casablanca and Precious with me and that I'd make him a cheesecake). Long story short, he held up his end of the deal and I'm proud of him. He'll most likely never go again, but for him to put up with something entirely out of his element for me means a lot. I know I've said it before, but I know he loves me.